Storage for the electricity produced by PV panels (and wind turbines). The battery bank is the crucial component needed for being off-the-grid rather than being dependent on it. It means you will have power at night and when the grid itself goes down due to planned outages or unplanned disturbances.
Used water flowing from the kitchen sink and toilet. Black water is full of grease, solids, and pathogens. When properly treated it can be used to grow plants for exterior landscaping.
When describing buildings, net-zero, LEED, PassivHaus, Living Building Challenge, etc., are all guidelines that define the design and function parameters of the building and its systems. Please look into all of these to find your sweet spot. You might even get a tax credit!
The combination of components that make up an enclosed building capable of protecting its occupants from the elements and any insects or critters (foundation, walls, roof, doors, etc...).
The unit that regulates the charge coming into the battery bank to ensure they do not overcharge and suffer damage.
Once-used water that drains from bathroom sinks, showers, and washing machines. Greywater is dirty but clean enough to use again when properly treated.
Used to describe a set-up where a home produces a large portion of its electricity using PV panels (and sometimes additional sources like wind turbines) but is connected to the grid for backup power when needed and to sell any excess power produced back to the grid. BEWARE: some grid inter-tie systems do not have battery banks. This means that if the grid goes down, you go down.
Light, fluffy materials with millions and millions of tiny air pockets that slow the transfer of temperature.
Examples: fiberglass batts, rigid panels, wool, straw, cellulose
The unit that converts DC power from the batteries into AC power for use by conventional electronics and tools.
A design approach that utilizes site orientation, number and angle of windows, specific wall systems, insulation, and ventilation to create a thermally-stable building envelope.
The type of panels used to covert the sun's energy into electricity. Used in off-grid, on-grid, and grid inter-tie applications.
Heavy, dense materials used in wall construction with the goal of storing temperature to aid in heating and cooling a building.
Examples: stone, brick, rammed earth, concrete
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